A New Vision to Education

Engaging students, parents, teachers, and governments through deep AI, analytics, and educational and engagement design.


Effective and Engaging Content & Technology

Working on learners' knowledge, skills, and mindset simultaneously through interactive learning, AI-powered real-time support, gamification, skill-based games, and more!


AI-Powered Teaching and Learning

Supporting and guiding learners in every step, and onto their lifelong learning goals, outcomes, and success.


Actively engaging parents

Parents can actively support their children's learning journey by tracking their progress, accessing detailed reports, and rewarding their achievements.


Novel EdTech for Schools & Teachers

Enabling schools and teachers to quickly identify and perform actions needed to boost their students' learning and growth.


Educational Intelligence for Governments

ULA will provide informative and actionable insights at school, district, and national scale. This will provide governments and policy makers with the data and tools to design impactful educational policies and interventions.



Embark with us on a journey where learning knows no bounds. Together, let's inspire the next Arab generation of thinkers, creators, and innovators.